Volunteering at Kinkfest

Would you like to serve your community by volunteering at KinkFest? We have a variety of positions that help us create the magic that is KinkFest!

Goodwill Volunteer: You pay for your KinkFest registration and then volunteer two or more hours of your time to help with setup, tear down, or various duties during the event.

Work-study Volunteer: You would like some financial assistance to attend KinkFest. We have a limited number of full-time and part time work-study positions. Full-time work-study volunteers work 12 hours, and part-time work-study volunteers work 8 hours and pay $100.

You must apply to be a goodwill or a work-study volunteer. Filling out the volunteer application is not a guarantee that you will be selected.

KinkFest registration is required for each day you volunteer. Completing the volunteer application does NOT register you for KinkFest. All volunteers must complete and submit the KinkFest Registration Form to attend. However, please take special note of the following:

  1. If you are applying as a Goodwill volunteer, please register NOW.
  2. If you are applying for Work-Study (part- or full-time), please DO NOT register now. If you are selected as a volunteer, you will be sent a special code to use at Registration with a discount. If you register now, you will pay full-price and you will NOT be reimbursed should you be selected as a work-study volunteer (you would become a Goodwill volunteer). If you are not chosen as a Work-Study volunteer, you will be allowed to register at full price based on the ticket price and availability on the day you submitted your VOLUNTEER application.

Please note: KinkFest registration is required for each day you volunteer. Completing the volunteer application does NOT register you for KinkFest. All volunteers must complete and submit the KinkFest Registration Form to attend KinkFest. People who receive a work-study volunteer position will use a comp code sent to them by our Volunteer Director to register.

Accountability Note: If you are selected to volunteer at KinkFest, we are excited to welcome you to our team! Please understand that your contribution is important, and we are counting on your help. If you do not show up for your shift(s), one of your fellow volunteers has to work longer and harder. No one on the KinkFest team earns wages!

Volunteer Application

Your legal name
Your scene name
Your pronouns
Your phone number
Your email address
Your T-shirt Size
Are you a past volunteer?
If you are a past volunteer, what did you do?
Are you certified in first aid?
Are you certified in CPR?
Are you certified in AED?
Are you an ASL interpreter?
Are you DM trained?
If yes, when and by whom?
Have you ever been a DM for KinkFest before?
Can you lift 50 pounds?
Do you have any disabilities/limitations that might affect your ability to volunteer in certain areas?
If so, please specify
Do you have a forklift card?
Do you have a scissorlift card?
Please indicate when you are available (required):April 16 (Wednesday) - Please check all that apply

April 17 (Thursday) - Please check all that apply

April 18 (Friday) - Please check all that apply

April 19 (Saturday) - Please check all that apply

April 20 (Sunday) - Please check all that apply

April 21 (Monday) - Please check all that apply

Which volunteer positions interest you (select up to 10)?
Click here to view volunteer job descriptions
 (1st Choice)
 (2nd Choice)
 (3rd Choice)
 (4th Choice)
 (5th Choice)
 (6th Choice)
 (7th Choice)
 (8th Choice)
 (9th Choice)
 (10th Choice)
Volunteer TypeCostHours RequiredDo I register now?
GoodwillFull price2Yes
Half ScholarshipHalf Price8No
Full ScholarshipNone12No

For Good-Will Volunteers Only

How many hours would you like to volunteer?

Are you currently registered for Kinkfest?

For Work-Study Volunteers Only

What type of work-study assistance are you requesting?
You must work 12 hours for a full scholarship, and 8 hours for a half ($100) scholarship.

What makes you a great candidate for a work-study position? Consider including your contributions to the BDSM community, as well as why it would be difficult for you to attend without financial assistance.

If you were given a special code by a lead, please enter it below:

Enter the number shown above